Saturday, January 16, 2010



Yet again = once more
Yolk = yellow part of an egg
To yawn (n,v) = act of openning the mouth when you are sleepy
Vandal = a person who damage things belong to the others
Trial = order in court of justice for punishment
Pragmatic = a person who act not just say
County = a part of city that is separated from rest part of it like west county
To blame =know & say s.b as giulty
Extremist =a person who overdo
To portray = to explain = to clarify
To possess = to have or get
Gash (n) = wound on the face/pussy
Burn off energy
Bribe to scilence
Exaggerate = exceed in explaination

Phobia = fear
Acro phobia = fear of heights
Nycro phobia = fear of darkness
Zoo phobia = fear of animals
Pyro phobia = fear of fire
Antomo phobia = fear of insects
Xeno phobia = fear of stranger

There are only 4 words in english end in "dous":
Tremendous = horrable
Horrendous = horrable
Stupendous = astonishing
Hazardouse = dangerous

To brain = to kill s.b
Brain bucket = especial hard hat worn by soldies
ضربه مغزی Brain concussion =
اسیب مغزی Brain damage =
ضایعه مغزی Brain lesion =
Brain drain = scaping talented persons from their own countries
Brain scan = prossess to find out about brain problems
Brain work = a type of work which is mostly by thinking
Brain child = what ever created by s.b's thoughtness,imagination
Braininess = open minded
Brainish = bad tempered,a person who gets angry easily
Brain pan = upper part of the skull like a bowl
Brain storm = mind engagement

Eye catcher = absorbant & intresting
Eye-service = look in lovely & romantic way
Eye socket = the two hole on skull for eyes
Eye ball = all part of an eye located in eye socket
Eye full = plenty
چشمان قی کرده Blear eye =

Poverty of the blood
Poverty of the understanding

Pretext = excuse = put-off
Pretty pretties = whatever with deciving & pretty appearance
To render = to submit = to present
To pout = look angrily at s.b
Damp = not that wet
To prevail = overcome than else
Pretzel = a type of sour biscuit shaped like wood
To detain = to arrest = to shut-in
Turbulent = not gentle

Look before leap = first think then say or do
Don't leap in the dark = don't do any thing you are not sure about

Lip read (v) = underestanding the meaning of the words by lip movments
Lip serveice = apple polishing
Lippy (adj) = rud = impertinent

Apostile = the twelev apostile of jesus
To hit the terbulance = to confront with air hole or storm in the sky within flight

Omni- = all
Omnific = the creator of any thing = GOD = deity /diati/
Omniscient = knowing any things in the world
Omnipotent = being capable to do any things
Omnipresent = being any where at the time

Omnivorous = animals which can eat any type of food
Herbivorous = animals which just can eat plants

On all four = walking with legs and hands
On behalf of s.b = from s.b (in case of signature or…)
Commodity = production
To hand over = to submit = to render

To owe = to debt
To own = to have
To awe = to respect s.b with fear

To reverence = to respect
To fraud = to decieve people
To blunder (n,v) = to make unintentional,graet mistake
Meticulous = curious
To revert = to refer
Seat of the pants = top part of pants between legs
Anno domini = after christ
Era = period of time

:heart(a nine of heart)
•:dimond (a king of dimond)
:spade(a queen of spade)
club(a jack of club)

Stick up = robbing with gun
Stick in mud = slow person,stupid person
Stick to the point = let's get to the main topic
Stick to your work = keep on your affair

To bread = to generate = to deliver = to give birth = to produce a child
Cross-bread = half-bread = mixed by two diferent bread = hybrid
To bread in and in = to get marry with our relatives or in our tribe

Sex determination = to find out the sex of the embryo
Sex differences =
Sex discrimination = sexism
Sex glanders = testicles
Sex offenses = commit a crime like rape
Sex perversion = sexual abbaration
Sex reversal = changing the sex
Sexless = neuter
Sexual abuse = sexual missuse
Sexual maturity = the age ones ready to get marry

Job = vocation = occupation = career = work = profession = calling = craft = trade = mtier

To revoke = to cancel
Inscription = rules and statements sculptured on the rocks in ancient iran
Cunieform = a type writing creadted by achaemenian in ancient iran
Deficit = lack of budget
Unaided eye = eye without telescope

To vail = to have coverage for ladies in islamic countries
Vailed # unvailed

Dreg = excrement = pee = shit

Ponder = think
Sunni & shiite
Maniac = a person who is mad in loving s.b
To be duped = to become stupid by the other people's decieve
Interaction =actions from both parties
To Hunch over = to have bend on the back

Stand up straight ,shoulders back & chest out

Efficent = surefire
To rehearse = to practice = to repeat
To ogle = to look at ladies for sexual perposes
Old Glory = u.s flag
Emnity = hostile = being enemy
To surf a net = to look for interesting information on the internet
superficial = surface = not deep-----e.g: surface friendliness
extra = surplus
To veer = to change idea or direction

Clothes = garment
Clothe =to provide clothes for = to wear To
Cloth = piece of mareial made by weaving

Bubber = crony =friend = mate = pal = partner = buddy

Act of GOD =magor event that cant be controled like flood or earthquake
Courtesy = polite behavior
Country man/woman = persons from the same country
Cliché = expression or idea used so often

Client (singular) = costomer
Clientele (plural) = costomers

Clue = that help you to find some answers
Cronic = (of a diseas)lasting a long time
Puppy love =young boy's & girl's love that doesn't last long

Love lorn = the one who is mad about or s.o
To go to extremes = to hit the wire = to loose temper
سین جیم کردن= to interrogate
سیرابی فروشی =tripe shop
از سیر تا پیاز = from A to Z
سیر ترشی = pickled garlic
سیسمونی = layette
Hilarious = ridiculous
Bed-wetter = a person who piss on him/her self at nights
To look horns (with) = to have an accident from opposite direction with the other car in the same position
Collide =accident
ته ریش =whiskers

Front wheel= the two wheels in the front
Rear wheel = the two wheels in the back
Spare wheel = extra wheel

Spare # talkative
Spare # heavy

چشم شور = evil eye
چشم سفید = mulish
چشم زدن = to cast an evil eye
چراغ زدن به کسی(چشمک زدن) = to blink
She male = dildo =artificial penis

دسته چک = check book
چک سفید =blank check
چک بی محل کشیدن = to write a bad check

چندش شدن = to become disgusted
To comprise = to include
Misuse = abuse = fraud
To comply = to agree with
To assess = to evaluate = to fine = to tax

Paved road = road covered with asphalt
Dirt road = road with stone & soil &dust or
Toll road = road we have to pay the bill # free way
Belt way
Park way = road goes through a park or garden

Jack knife = pocket knife
Switch knife
Fruit knife

To glare = to look at s.b angrily
موی چتری Bang(s) =
چای صاف کن Tea strainer =
چاه نفت = oil well
چای دم کردن = to brew tea
مزخرف گفتن = to bull shit
ثواب داشتن = to be pleasing
تا اطلاع ثانوی = until further information
A fake passport = an unreal passport
Edible = we can eat
Pecular = odd =especial

Hymen = thin fold of tissue related to virgins
Menstrual cycle = montly bleeding # menopause
ترشح کردن To seep =
Fluid = soft liquid
To lubricate = to grease
برانگیختگی جنسی S extual arousal =
Pratter = a person who says nonsense
ادم یبس = cranky =sulky
هوای چیزی را کردن ( هوس کردن) = to be nostalgic for/ about
Aerobic = kind of sports that mucsles need oxygen
Weather man = a person who knows about weather & its changes
هواکش = vent
To kick addiction = to put drugs away
ریش کوسه ای = scraggly beard
Gas burner = any kind of vehicles or machines that work with gas
گاگول =bone head = scatter brain
Garden party = a type of party in agreen & open area like garden
قدر دانی کردن = to value = to be grateful
فرصت طلب = opportunist = time server
The advent of christ = comming back of jesus christ again to the world
Which one is more important;external beauty or inner peace
His happiness was superficial = he pretended that he was happy
Kitchen utensils = kitchen dishes
Seven wonders of the world
Don't go beyond your limit = do not do or say any thing that is not related to you
از خیرش گذشتم = I gave up any hope of it
گذر کسی به جائی افتادن = to happen to pass by a place
گدا بازی = miserliness = tightness
گاو بندی = collusion = set up
To collude = to set up
خفگی در اثر گاز = gas poisoning
Pollination = the act of being spreaded the powder of flowers & trees by wind or…
Whatever shinny / glitter is not gold

Wlanut meat = an edible part of walnut
Walnut shell = the hard wooden cover of walnut

Nape = back part of neck
To forbear = to spare = to over look = to to forgive
گر گرفتن = to flame = to flare
حکاکی کردن = to engrave = to carve
حقیر و کوچک = abject = petty = maen
حق به جانب = specious
If the God ,in his wisdom , close a door …
وراجی = chatter = gabbing = buzzing
ورور کردن/زرزر کردن = to chatter = to mumble

Ministry of the interior = " " country
'' " " power & electricity
" " " labor
" " " road & transportation
" " " finance
" " " health
" " " war
" " " guidance
" " " education
" " " high education
" " " forigne affairs
" " " housing
وزارت خزانه داری = treasury department

To go bankrupt = to go broke
Legitimate # taboo
Legitimate (child) # son of the gone
One can't make war with rose water
Cater-causin = intimate friend
Left over = rest of that remain for instance leftover food
To get /have cold sore = wounds mostly around one's mouth caused by virus
او یک امریکائی ایرانی تبار است = he is an American of Iranian origin
Pyretic = antipyretic= a type of medicine against fever
Folding chair = a type of chair which is possible to bend
تاقچه بالا گذاشتن = to act hard – to- get
Hors-d'oeuvre = a light meal eaten before food
هرچه پیش اید خوش اید = come what may , what ever happens is for the best
Shaggy = hairy
Mosquito net = special net used against biting
Dung = muck = cows shit

خوش ترکیب = well-proportioned
Well- shaped = with good form
Well-disposed = with good behavior
Well- designed = with good designe
Well-known = celebrated
Well- intentioned = well-meaning
well-built = in good shape
well-woven =well-knit
خوش بخت =well- off
خوشبختی =well-being
خوش برش =well-cut
خوش دوخت = well-sewn
Well-dress = good-looking
Well-equiped = with a lot of facilities & equipments

Blood money = amount of money paid for a person u killed unintentionally
Blood coagulation = changing liquid blood to solid blood

از کسی خوش امدن =to be fond of s.b = to have a crush on s.b
خدا رو خوش نمیاد = it doesn't please GOD
چرب زبان/زبان باز =gushy = cajoler
دریده = lippy = rude

بد سابقه بودن =to have bad record
بی سابقه = unprecedented
حسن سابقه = exemplaye background
سوء سابقه = shady background
عدم سوء سابقه = absense of criminal record

Abandon - stop doing before it is finished
About-in place (is your mother about? I have a word with her)
Be about to –be going to do very soon(the film is about to start)
Act-pretend to be s.b else in a play or film
Act as the job of another person ,usually for a short time(he acted as manager while his boss was ill)
Accurate # inaccurate
Of your own accord –because you want to ,not because s.b has asked you(she left her job of her own accord)
On no account/not on any account-not for any reason(on no any account must you open this door)
Take in to account/take account of when you are thinking about other things(he's always last , but you must take his age in to account.)
In action-working(we watched the machine in action)
In the act # passive
In the act of-while doing wrong (I caught him in the act of stealing the money)
Actually-a word that you use to disagree politely or when you say new
Add =sum #subtract =minus by = multiple by #divided by =share
Addict-a person who ……….(noun)
Addicted-unable to stop wanting…….(adj)
Admit-let s.b or go in to a place (this ticket admits one person to the museum)
In addition to well as (he speaks two languages in addition to English)
In advance-before happen
Take advantage of to help yourself (buy them now &take the advantage of the especial prices)
Advertisement = advert = ad
Advice-(no plural)*you can not say "an advise" you can say "some advise" or "a piece of advice"
Advance-(no plural)
Admiration-(no plural)
Adoring > love > affection > like
Again & again –over & over- many times
Go ahead-do that you want you want to do ("may I borrow your bicycle?""Yes ,go ahead")
Ages-for a long time (we waited ages for the bus)
Aged-at the age of (they have a son aged three)
In aid of s.b or –get money for s.b or (there was a concert in aid of a new hospital)
Airplane-aero plane
Specimen = person
Air mail – (no plural)
A level = advanced level –an examination about for children at school in England
Ale = beer
Set alight – make start to burn
Alike-(adv)-in the same way
All along –from the beginning (I knew all along that she was lying)
Alongside –next to (put your bike alongside mine)
Alphabetical –in order of the alphabet
Already = yet *\note that yet is used in negative sentences & questions but already is used in affirmative sentences
All right = alright
Amazement-(no plural)
Ambassador- a person who works in an embassy
Alter /alteration-(noun)-small change
Amateur – a person who does because he/she enjoys it & not for getting money
Although = but
Alternate/ (adj) -first one and then the others – (alternate days)
Alternative/(adj)-different & other (can you choose an alternative date)
Ammunition – ( no plural)-things that you fire from the guns to hit the people & animals
Ambition-(no plural)-strong wish to do
Ally-(noun)-a person or country that agrees to help another person or country
Among = amongst
Anger –(no plural)
Amount to –make a certain amount when
Anesthetic- ( that a doctor gives you so that you won't feel pain in an operation)
Apt. = flat (Bret.)
Sunny & shiite

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